Latest news


Latest News as at 30 January:

Tickets for Elvis go on sale at the club tomorrow. Don’t dither or you may be disappointed.

The club is seeking a new sponsor for our highly rated Cheltenham Open Pairs Competition. If you know of any individual or  company who might be interested please ask them to contact Allen Brookes at [email protected] or 07572394469 for more details. 

Wednesday Indoor League. Following on from last week’s crushing defeat by Mid Glos, Cheltenham BC bounced back this week with a win on both rinks 41-16 v Tewkesbury BC.

EBUA Certificated Markers Course. Congratulations to 18 students (17 Cheltenham BC & 1 Tewkesbury BC) who became qualified markers following Sunday’s course hosted by Cheltenham BC. Our thanks to EBUA qualified Marking Tutors, Jamie Campbell and Martin Johnston, plus Sandy Kerr who organised the event and Sandra and Glen Curtis and Angela Teakle who provided the catering.


Sunday 9am Markers Course

Tuesday 7pm Beetle Drive

Wednesday 2pm Social Whist

Thursday 8pm Crib at home v Albion Gas

Saturday 1030 Ladies Bowls Meeting 


In preparation for the commencement of the outdoor bowling season in the middle of April we are looking for volunteers to help us maintain the car parks and grounds around the clubhouse. Many of you have previously worked on the Tuesday morning working party and we are looking to reinstate that working group from Tuesday 4th February. Apart from general maintenance of the paths and the gardens we do have some projects where they require more specific maintenance works. If you are new to the club you may have skills that we are lacking and you could put these to good use whilst supporting the club prepare for the coming season. Joining the working group does not have to be on a Tuesday, if you can help on another day please let us know. This is another opportunity of meeting other members of the club whilst getting a good insight in how the club operates and how the Management Committee values your offer of support. For further details contact:  [email protected] or call 07740-432111

Short Mat. Latest league tables as at 25 January can be found at 

Last week to take advantage of the club’s one-off offer to do a bulk order for bowls clothing before end January. Please consult the Zapkam web site  and find out your size before placing your order with Penny at [email protected]


Gold Cup Racing at Suffolk Square. Cheltenham Bowling Club will be holding their annual Cheltenham Gold Cup Day on Friday 14th March 2025. The Gold Cup Event Committee have decided to follow the same table booking arrangements as we did last year. Members will need to bid for a table indicating the number of members and guests they are hoping to bring to this event. I will remind all members that your bid does not mean you will automatically secure a table of that size. The committee are conscious of ensuring any new member who has joined recently has an opportunity to attend this event at their club. There will be an entry fee of £5.00 for all guests attending this event.

This event has been a very successful over the past few years with last year’s event being the first year where it was oversubscribed. The club is restricted by the number of people who can attend events under Health and Safety and Fire regulations therefore it is important that we manage this event very carefully.

Table Booking Process:

The committee propose that members wanting to attend this event will bid for tables, by emailing [email protected] by Friday 14th February 2025 indicating the number of members on their table and the number of guests they wish to attend. The committee will review each request and will confirm by email what allocation has been agreed for your bid by Friday 21st February 2054. Please note that only email bids will be acceptable, no verbal or bids given to bar staff will be acceptable. When you receive your allocation, it will have a specific allocation code which must be used when paying the £5.00 guest entry fee. All entry fees must be paid by Friday 7th  March 2025 to avoid the allocation being rescinded and the places offered to other members. There will be no reimbursement of entry fees to non-attending guests

Please help the committee by ensuring the numbers that you put on your bids are accurate and not an arbitrary figure. The committee are looking to fulfil as many bids as we can, so please think carefully about the numbers you are requesting.

Food Availability:

From the Kitchen: 11:00 to 1230 Bacon Baps; 1300 to 1500 Beef/Cheeseburgers, Super Ploughmans and Filled Rolls. After 1500 rolls will be available from the bar.

George Bevan – On Behalf of the Gold Cup Event Committee

Please bring any unwanted Christmas presents to the club for use in our match raffles. A box will be situated just inside the ladies changing room door. 

  Cheryl and Open Door thank members for their continuing support


Tom Dorman. Tom’s funeral will be held on Tuesday 4 February at 1pm at Cheltenham Crematorium followed by a wake at the club. Our sympathy and thoughts remain with Gill, Keith & Family at this sad time.

Members will be saddened to learn that former member Denise Parker has passed away. A funeral service will be held at 1pm on Monday 10 February  at Cheltenham Crematorium.


Let Allen know if you have items for sale.


Tuesday 4 February BINGO!

Saturday 15 February 60s/70s Charity Music Night See 60s Night Poster February 2025 SOLD OUT

Saturday 8 March Elvis is back. See Elvis Poster 8th March 25

Friday 14 March Gold Cup Racing at Suffolk Square

Tuesday 1 April Annual Bowlers Meeting

Friday 11 April Games Night.  See Club Night 11 April 25

Saturday 19 April Opening of the Green

For further details of Social Events see our Social Page at