Latest news
Latest News as at 16 February:
Our thanks to Steve & Lesley, Geoff & Ann plus guests (Alex & Stuart) for putting on a 60/70s extravaganza last night raising a magnificent sum of c£1000 for SW Air Ambulance (and the club made a few bob on the bar too!).
All bowling members, will have last night received an email from Michael Cox regarding arranging training on the new Bowlr system. Can you please take the time to read the email and to respond to Michael who will try and fit you into a suitable training session. If you have not received the email please contact Michael by email at [email protected].
Tuesday 10am Working Party 7pm Bingo
Wednesday 2pm Social Whist
Thursday 8pm Crib Away at Albion House
Wednesday Indoor League. Good win last week v Mid Glos 27-21. Rinks were:
Mary Cresswell, George Bevan, Mike Jordan, Adam Smith v John Cox – lost 9-15
Roy Walker, Penny Callaghan, John Doody , Lee Williamson v Stan Lister – win 18-6.
This form could not be carried forward to yesterday’s Inter-Club match which was lost 29-19.
All bowling members, will have last night received an email from Michael Cox regarding arranging training on the new Bowlr system. Can you please take the time to read the email and to respond to Michael who will try and fit you into a suitable training session. If you have not received the email please contact Michael by email at [email protected] See Bowlr Training for details
The club is seeking a new sponsor for our highly rated Cheltenham Open Pairs Competition. If you know of any individual or company who might be interested please ask them to contact Allen Brookes at [email protected] or 07572394469 for more details.
Short Mat. Latest league tables as at 15 February can be found at
Ralph Crisp who joined the club in 1991 and was a valued member until his death in 2023 has bequeathed a generous gift to our club. Ralph was Club Captain (2009) and President (2010 & 2011); his legacy will be used to ensure an enduring memory of Ralph pictured with the 2011 Men’s Double Rink team. Thank you Ralph.
Tony Maisey. Liz would like to thank everyone for the wonderful tributes to Tony who requested no funeral and will slip away quietly like the man he was. No fuss. Your messages have been of great comfort to her. A joyful Celebration to remember Tony will be held at the club on 29 March from 7pm.
Gold Cup Racing at Suffolk Square on Friday 14th March 2025. All bids for tables and guest numbers have been approved and you will shortly receive an allocation code which must be used when paying the £5.00 entry fee for each guest. All entry fees must be paid by Friday 7th March 2025; there will be no reimbursement of entry fees to non-attending guests. Any questions to [email protected]
Brand new club blue shirt & jacket size large £30 & £35 respectively. One pair of brand new red Drakes Pride shoes, never worn. Although size 10 they fit a standard 8 1/2 foot. £60 O.N.O. Campbell McColl 01242233189.
Tuesday 25 February Quiz
Saturday 8 March Elvis is back. Sold Out. See Elvis Poster 8th March 25
Friday 14 March Gold Cup Racing at Suffolk Square (See above if you want to book a table. Closes 14 Feb).
Tuesday 1 April Annual Bowlers Meeting
Friday 11 April We hope to shake off winter with a Club Night. See Club Night 11 April 25
Saturday 19 April Opening of the Green
For further details of Social Events see our Social Page at