Gallery 2009
Another Assistant Green Keeper!!
- …at Bonalba BC
- …at Princessa Hotel
President Morag Notman receives a gift from Rob Griffiths in recognition of the support given to FC Lakeside.
President Morag Notman & Captain Ralph Crisp Opening the Green
Short-Mat Winners and Runners-Up receive prizes from President Morag Notman & Organiser John Daft
Is he the youngest player to bowl in a match for Cheltenham BC?
Cheltenham BC ‘s Stall at the Suffolk Traders Fair
NGL Team v Cheltenham Spa June 2009
Geoff Hamson (and Alan Sleeman) winners of the 2-4-2 Competition receiving 1st prize from the Organiser Bill Brown
Cheltenham A defeat Caerglow in County League Div 1
Cheltenham B head for defeat v BAC in National Double Rink
Cheltenham Ladies defeat Caerglow in National Top Club
President’s Day: Crown Bowls at Suffolk Square
President’s Day: President Morag Notman presents Matt Adair with the winners prize and Alan Hodges with the wooden spoon
Captains Trophy: The Lady Captain’s Team was reinforced by a ‘Guest Player’ …
- called Gaynor…
- and a cream tea…
but alas……..despite both they still lost to the Men!
Meet Danny…the new Club Mascot
The Club Double Rink which qualified for the National Finals in Worthing
National Double Rink Semi-Finalists Worthing 2009
Michael Woodbridge in the National U-25 Singles Finals Worthing 2009
- …under the watchful eye of the team manager!
Ladies County League Division 1 Winners
Lost in 1996…
- …found in 2009!!
Captain Ralph Crisp accepts the NGL Cup and Shield from NGL President Stephen Scott
Captain Ralph Crisp accepts the County Challenge Cup from GBA President Alan Cook
Cheltenham win the County Cup for third successive year
County League Division 1 Winners
County League Division 2 Squad
Pictures from the County Cup Final
- …its not that big!!
- …would he do better if he opened his eyes??
- …or put his glass down before he bowled??
- …Howzat! Whoops wrong game
- …morris dancing??
- …blimey! Mind the green